Note: This license agreement and all info on this page only applies to SSE Setup and not any other software which may be available on this website. All other software is governed by their own license agreements included with the software.
Quick Summary
If your program = 100% Free with no advertising or other monetization methods including no in-app purchases, and is not demo, shareware, or trialware type software, then you can use SSE Setup for FREE to install the program.
Otherwise, you must make a one-time purchase for a "commercial-use" license. Given SSE Setup's extensive feature list, ease-of-use, and complete documentation, the price to use SSE Setup for commercial programs is QUITE REASONABLE and substantially less than most other quality installer programs. Unlike other installers, which make you pay again at each new major version, you will never have to pay again! Basically, all it will take is 1 or 2 users of YOUR program to pay for YOUR program and you will likely have recouped your cost. There are literally users of SSE Setup out there who purchased a license over 10 years ago and have gotten over 10 years out of their small investment! To securely purchase a license, click here
Actual License
This license agreement is the agreement governing SSE Setup version 10.0 and greater versions, unless specifically revoked in the future. No other license agreements apply to SSE Setup v10.0 and greater versions unless specifically stated in the future. All previous license agreements are hereby non-applicable and are revoked for SSE Setup v10.0 and greater versions. Please note that if this license agreement differs from an applicable license agreement found on the web site at: http://www.ssesetup.com/license.html, the license agreement on the web site shall take precedence.
Installers created by SSE Setup are completely free for your use and distribution AS LONG AS the program being installed or modified is a non-commercial FREE program that contains no advertising or other monetization methods, and also contains NO spyware or malware of any kind. You must not be charging ANYTHING for the program or to "unlock" full usage of the program. All trial software, demo software, and shareware does NOT fit the definition of FREE for the purposes of this license and thus a commercial-use license is required. To be clear: If your software is not 100% free for all users, with no advertising, then a commercial-use license is required.
The bottom line is simple: If you are going to be making money with your software and using SSE Setup to install it, then it's just fair for you to help SSE Setup and its development by purchasing a license...right?
Given SSE Setup's extensive feature list, ease-of-use, and complete documentation, the price to use SSE Setup for commercial programs is QUITE REASONABLE and often substantially less than other quality installer programs. Also, ONE PRICE is all that you will pay to be able to use SSE Setup with as many commercial programs as you would like and it applies for any future SSE Setup versions as well (if any) and thus you will never need to pay again! (Unlike many other installer products which make you pay again with each new major version). Basically, all it will likely take is 1 or 2 users of YOUR program to pay for YOUR program and you will have recouped your cost. There are literally users of SSE Setup who purchased a license over 10 years ago and have gotten over 10 years out of their small investment!
When you purchase a commercial-use license, it will either be issued in the name of your business (which will cover any and all employees that are or will be employed by the business), or in your personal name if you don't have or would rather it not be issued to a business. Your one-time payment will allow you royalty-free usage and distribution of installers created by SSE Setup. For more information, including the current pricing, go to the website below.
To purchase a commercial-use license, click here
If installers created by SSE Setup install or modify a commercial program without a payment having been made for a commercial-use license, you will be in violation of this agreement, and legal action may be taken against you personally and/or the company which you represent (if any). Infringements are actively pursued when SSE Setup is used for a commercial program of any kind without first paying the reasonable fee to do so. Pursuant to this license, even with a commercial-use license, you are not allowed to use SSE Setup to install malware of any kind or to in any way harm users' devices with your program or settings in your install.
Regardless of whether you use SSE Setup for a commercial program (with payment made) or for non-commercial use, there are NO warranties expressed or implied in relation to SSE Setup, or its fitness or non-fitness for any particular situation. The following disclaimer statement applies to SSE Setup and all installers created by SSE Setup, including but not limited to components such as a program's uninstaller, the SSE Setup Internet Update Module, SSE Setup Launchpad, SSE Setup Booster, and SSECreateDist.exe.
This software is provided "as is" without any guarantees or warranty. In connection with the software, SSE Setup developer Chris Long and SSE Setup Booster developer André Beuving, make no warranties of any kind, either express or implied, including but not limited to warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, of title, or of non-infringement of third party rights. Use of the software by a user is at the user's risk and is deemed acceptance of these terms. IN NO EVENT WILL CHRIS LONG OR ANDRÉ BEUVING BE LIABLE FOR ANY INDIRECT, CONSEQUENTIAL, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, PUNITIVE OR OTHER DAMAGES WHATSOEVER INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, DAMAGES FOR LOSS OF PROFITS, LOSS OF DATA, LOSS OF GOODWILL OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION, EVEN IF CHRIS LONG OR ANDRÉ BEUVING HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES, OR FOR ANY CLAIM BY ANOTHER PARTY. The wizard images provided with SSE Setup are from third-party image collections that are purported to be freeware - more info is available in the readme.txt file located in each folder with wizard images. Your use of any of these images is at your risk and your risk only.
The SSE Setup developer makes no warranty as to the effectiveness of SSE Setup and is NOT liable for any damages to any user's machine or for any loss of data. You are using this program at your own risk! It has always been the goal to make SSE Setup stable and reasonably error-free. However, it is possible that mistakes may occur or that it might not correctly install or uninstall a program. By distributing installers created by SSE Setup that install or modify a program, you understand that you alone bear all responsibility to users of your program(s) in regards to anything related to SSE Setup. The SSE Setup developer bears no responsibility to any users of your program(s). In addition, the SSE Setup developer is not responsible for any errors or omissions in the SSE Setup documentation. Your usage of SSE Setup and/or distribution of installers created by SSE Setup means that you agree to all of this.
Some installs you create may rely on an SSE Setup related Internet server to get URL's to use to download prerequisites you specify or connect to a manual download location for a prerequisite. While historically there have been no significant problems with this as of this writing, there are also no guarantees that such a server will always be available or functioning. You do have an option of using your own server to maintain URL's if you so desire.
By purchasing a commercial-use license, the ONLY rights you gain are those specifically spelled out in the commercial-use license you purchase. There are NO other rights, either inferred or implied. Any potential (or actual) future or past pricing changes have no bearing on THIS license. By purchasing a commercial-use license, you are doing so in accordance with whatever the price for such a license is at the time you purchase, and even if that price later drops or increases, that will have no bearing on you or the validity of your license. Note: The latest purchase price for licenses and type of licenses will be determined by the latest such options available at the SSE Setup website listed above.