General terms
All usage of this website must be consistent with generally-accepted "good behavior" for users and services of Internet websites. It is up to you to read all information provided and understand what you are reading. If you choose to purchase anything, it is up to you to understand what you are purchasing and to read and follow all information provided in doing so.
Content-usage terms
All content on this website is copyrighted, however usage is granted for other software download sites and search engines/indexers to freely use any provided content to promote this website or any software found on this website, and all software found on this website may be freely provided via other websites or download locations, but all of this is subject to the following terms being met:
1) All software found on this website that is also hosted on other sites/locations must be the unmodified software (i.e. unmodified .EXE and/or .ZIP files) as obtained from and accessible on this website. Any bundling of such software with other software may only be done if the other software is not in any way malware, spyware, or anything that could cause a negative association with the software found on this website.
2) There must be a clearly visible link to this website from any other website or Internet location that is using content from or discussing software found on this website, with the understanding for users that the link is for the "official" or "author" or "developer" website. Search engines/indexers are exempted from this requirement. If the software being referenced is "Simple Data Backup", it is permitted to instead link to "www.simpledatabackup.net" as that is also a co-official website for that software and is preferred for that software.
3) At no time may any other website or download location claim to be the official site or author site of the sofware found on this website. (The website www.simpledatabackup.net is an exception as that is a co-official website for Simple Data Backup.)
4) At no time may any software product found on this website be disparaged in such a way that a majority of typical users would have a negative opinion of the software or this website. At no time may any software found on this website be misrepresented in such a way that it is noticeably inaccurate from the reality. In other words, no "smearing" of the software found on this site. Honest reviews that are reasonable are fine, but reviews or comments that leave users/viewers with a predominant negative view or that are used to try and prop-up another competing product is not okay. The software that is found on this website is generally known and accepted to be "quality software" for what it does/is intended to do. Not understanding the software or its intended purpose is no excuse.
5) At no time may any other user or website claim any such content on this website as their own. (www.simpledatabackup.net and other websites owned by the same owner of this website are exempted).
6) At no time may any other user or website charge any money for any software that appears on this website. (www.simpledatabackup.net and other websites owned by the same owner of this website are exempted).
It is this website owner & developer's intention that other software download sites with no ill intentions towards software on this site be free to list and promote software found on this website, subject to the simple conditions above.
Any other usage or content reproduction of content found on this website is prohibited without the written permission of this website's owner.
Website Terms & Conditions Only
This document applies only to this website and content hosted on this website and is not applicable to any other websites or content. Some software found on this site may also have other software-specific redistribution requirements included with the software (in a redist.txt file) that must be adhered to before such software may be included with other software or otherwise be redistributed. It is still your responsibility to follow such requirements, irrespective of the terms & conditions of this website.
By using this website, you hereby consent to these Terms & Conditions. If you have any questions about these Terms & Conditions or need further information, do not hesitate to contact via http://www.ssesetup.com/support.html